by Michael Lindemann
Information keeps coming in to CNI News on the rumored capture of two
or more "alien beings" by military authorities in Brazil. The latest
article received through internet sources (see below) said that
well-known American abduction researcher John Carpenter had recently
been in Brazil to examine the case. Carpenter is also a founding
member of the ISCNI faculty. I reached him at his office by phone this
morning (June 13) and asked what he had learned.
"In short, it's a damn good case. I'd say it's equal to Roswell,"
Carpenter said. He was in Brazil just last week for a conference,
returning to his home in Springfield, Missouri, on June 11. He told me
he was going into a meeting when I called and could give only brief
answers to my questions, but promised to write a detailed report for
CNI News soon.
I told Carpenter I had just received an e-mail report on the case from
well-known Brazilian UFO researcher A.J. Gevaerd. "Oh yes, he'll know
all about it," Carpenter said.
Carpenter, along with Stanton Friedman and British researcher Graham
Birdsall, attended the Brazilian UFO conference together and were
seeking any information they could get on the alleged capture of
aliens. They learned that one of the leading investigators of the
case, Vitorio Pacaccini, was at the conference and speaks perfect
Carpenter, Friedman and Birdsall invited Pacaccini to a private room
where they interviewed him on videotape for more than an hour. On the
strength of this interview and the evidence that Paccaccini has
amassed, Carpenter says he and the other researchers were highly
Carpenter confirmed that famed abduction researcher Dr. John Mack had
been in Brazil the previous week. Mack interviewed the three young
girls who reported seeing one of the "alien beings" later captured by
the military.
"Mack told me he would stake his career and his license on those three
girls being truthful," Carpenter said.
Carpenter dropped some tantalizing hints of bigger elements of the
case that have not yet been divulged. He says there is strong
suspicion that a UFO crash-recovery is involved. He also said, "There
are [or were] five or six beings on the loose."
All published reports so far have mentioned only two beings.
The following text is edited from a press release sent out on June 9
by Brazilian researcher A. J. Gevaerd. CNI News thanks James Sutton
for forwarding this information.
On January 20, military forces captured two extraterrestrial creatures
still alive in Brazil. The capture occurred in neighboring areas of
the city of Varginha, State of Minas Gerais, Central Brazil. The fact
is to be considered one of the most significant ever registered in
this country and in the entire world. Military authorities are keeping
secret all details of the operation, but some information has already
leaked to the UFO community due to the investigative job of Dr.
Ubiraja Franco Rodrigues and Vitorio Pacaccini, who live nearby and
are recognized as serious and dedicated researchers.
On the afternoon of January 20, about 3.30 PM local time, three young
girls named Liliane, Valquiria and Katia observed a strange creature
in a field of small bushes a few blocks from where they live. It was
Saturday and they were coming back from their jobs when, crossing an
empty area, their attention was attracted by a strange being a few
meters away. The [being] was kneeling and looked like it was hurt,
suffering some sort of pain. No UFO was ever seen. The girls observed
it for a few minutes and ran away, afraid that they had just
encountered the devil....
The three girls were extensively interrogated by above mentioned
researchers, leaving no doubt whatsoever about what happened. Very
simple kids, they described the [creature] as being dark brown, with a
small body of 4 to 5 feet in height, no hair at all, big brown head,
small neck. It also seemed to have some greasy, dark oil on its skin.
A strange odor was noticed by the mother of the girls, when she went
to the site. The head of the creature had two big red eyes, no pupils,
very small mouth and nose and three protuberances in the head. The
girls described such protuberances as horns.
Following the leads, researchers Rodrigues and Paccaccini started
making inquiries everywhere in the town of Varginha, in order to know
if anybody else had seen the same creature. They found several other
people who also observed the [beings] in the same location and maybe
other [beings] in different locations. While conducting their own
investigations, both discovered that different witnesses had seen army
trucks and other military vehicles and personnel that very morning, a
few blocks from the place the girls saw the [being].
In trying to find out what the military were doing, Rodrigues and
Pacaccini came to meet a few soldiers and sergeants. One of them
decided to talk secretly about their mission, in a confidential taped
interview. This Sergeant confirmed that, about 9:00 AM, January 20,
the Fire Department of Varginha was required to capture a strange
animal in the area. When four firemen arrived in a truck in the place,
they noticed that it was not a strange animal at all, and reported the
fact to the Army Sergeant School Commander in the neighboring city of
Tres Coracoes (about 10 miles east of Varginha).
An army truck was sent to the place and both forces captured the
creature using nets and equipment regularly used to capture wild
animals. The [creature] was placed still alive in a box that was then
covered by resistant fabric. The box was placed on top of the truck,
the vehicle headed to the Army Sergeant School and all personnel
involved were ordered not to talk about it with anyone else. "It was a
secret operation," [they were told by] Lieutenant Colonel Wanderley,
who commanded the operation.
After [this] unusual confidential report, a few other military decided
to come forward and speak about the captures as long as their
identities were totally kept secret. They all confirmed, on taped
interviews, that a second creature (possibly the same one seen by the
girls that afternoon) was captured on the night of January 20, by
personnel from the Army and the Fire Department.
Details of [this] operation are fully known. This creature, identical
to the first one, was taken to the Regional General Hospital of
Varginha that same night, stayed there for a few hours and then was
transferred to a better equipped facility, the Humanitas Hospital.
A few nurses and personnel from Regional General Hospital had
confirmed some facts and they were all suppressed. Individuals who had
contacts with the second creature were advised to avoid press and UFO
researchers and not to talk about it with anyone, not even their
families or relations. At the Humanities Hospital, the second creature
was kept at least for 2 days, and on the second night, January 22nd, a
huge military operation took place to remove the creature, [then]
already dead.
Interviews with some of the military who participated in this new
operation, removing the creature from the Humanitas Hospital, declared
that three Army trucks were used, each one driven by two different
soldiers. It is believed that three trucks were used to remove only
one body in order to [prevent] the soldiers from knowing in which
truck it would be transported. The drivers and their [escorts]
couldn't see the details of the operations, as they were kept outside
the hospital area. Military personnel from the Army Internal
Intelligence (called "S-2" in Brazil and extremely violent and
repressive) were responsible for getting the corpse from the interior
of the hospital, placing it in a box and then in one of the trucks.
All three trucks then were taken to a military facility in Campinas,
State of Sao Paulo, about 200 miles from Varginha, in the middle of
the night. There, the corpse was removed to the University of
Campinas, one of the best institutions in the country. It is believed
-- and we already have detailed information to be soon released --
that the body was autopsied by Dr. Badan Palhares, world-acclaimed as
one of the best professionals in that area alive (he was the one who
autopsied German Nazi Mengele, about ten years ago). Palhares, as well
as any other authority involved, denied he was involved in any such
UFO researchers from all over the country have been helping Rodrigues
and Pacaccini, in order to discover each and every detail of the
capture of the two [beings]. Media in Brazil has never been so active,
and a great majority of the population believes that the case is real
and that the military and civil authorities involved are keeping the
facts secret. Many strange facts are happening simultaneously, such as
[imprisonment] of soldiers, Sergeants being transferred at short
notice etc. The phones of many UFO researchers involved in the case
are confirmed to be tapped and a few threats have been made
Every day new pieces of this fantastic puzzle are being received by
researchers in many cities, and more and more military personnel have
agreed to talk. In a matter of weeks, all information will be fully
disclosed by the UFO researchers involved.
Meanwhile, the region where Varginha is located, in the South of State
of Minas Gerais, is subject to one of the biggest UFO waves ever
registered, the huge UFO's in close range observations, landings and
A.J. GEVAERD, Editor & Director